BankBI’s Temenos Transact integration allows you to consolidate data analytics across your network or banking group.
What’s more, even if you use multiple versions of Transact simultaneously, you can leverage our software to automate the reporting process. This enables you to extract maximum value from your financial data at anytime, anywhere, on any device, helping you make better informed decisions for your organisation.
For almost three decades, banks and credit unions around the world have used Temenos Transact's core banking system as a system of record. However, by combining the scalability and depth of Temenos’ service offering with BankBI’s powerful report automation technology, CFOs can transform financial management within their organisations.
How? By transitioning from a monthly to a daily reporting cycle. One that, thanks to automation, provides you with regular, reliable updates on the financial health of your organisation, giving you the information you need to make the correct decisions.
As well as automated reporting, our fully-integrated software gives you access to unparalleled data analytics.
Win back time and improve financial transparency in your organisation. Consolidate loan and deposit report schedules into a wide array of relevant categories: maturity band, sector, currency, residential status.
Delivered on time, every time. Reconcile internal accounts with regulatory reports to ensure your reports are accurate and delivered on time.
Scalable regulatory reporting. Populate literally hundreds of regulatory reports simultaneously with loan, deposit, and sundry other financial information.