BankBI were delighted to be able to support one of our most valued clients, VisionFund International (VFI) at the European Microfinance Week event in Luxembourg recently.
European Microfinance Week (EMW), is one of the top events in the microfinance calendar and it brought together more than 490 participants from 66 countries across all sectors of the inclusive finance sector including consultants & support service providers, investors, multilateral & national development agencies, NGOs and researchers.
The 3-day event was well supported across all of the areas, and in sessions covering a wide range of topics from housing finance, global investment, and managing political risk to using Fintech in lowering the cost of business in Microfinance, the atmosphere was hugely positive, and the desire to get things done palpable.
EMW: What's On?
VFI Global Director of Change & Programmes, Tom Allen had been asked to deliver a TED-style talk about ‘the power of central data management’ in Microfinance and their usage of it at VFI. BankBI were very happy to be invited to attend in support of the session and enormously proud that when describing the challenges facing an organisation consolidating information from 32 countries with multiple, disparate core banking and General Ledger systems, Tom chose to position BankBI very much in the solution element of the piece.
Judging by the Q&A session following the talk, the topic is a hot one. It is clear that, like ‘conventional’ banks and credit unions, the need to measure, monitor and manage MFIs through key financial performance metrics in always available dashboards is high on their CEO and CFOs’ agendas.
We believe in our customer successes speaking for us, so look out for the BankBI reference at about 11:45 in the YouTube clip below.
How to Manage Two Bottom Lines
To learn more about measuring, monitoring and managing financial and social performance in microfinance download our guide to managing two bottom lines.